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Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - KISAH 4 LILINAda 4 lilin yang sedang menyala. Sedikit demi sedikit habis meleleh. Suasana begitu sunyi sehingga terdengarlah percakapan mereka. Lilin yang pertama berkata: “Aku adalah Damai." "Namun manusia tak mampu menjagaku. Maka lebih baik aku mematikan diriku saja!” Demikianlah sedikit demi sedikit sang lilin pertama padam. Lilin yang kedua berkata: “Aku adalah Iman.” “Sayang aku tak berguna lagi. Manusia tak mau mengenalku. Tak ada gunanya aku tetap menyala.” Begitu selesai bicara, tiupan angin memadamkannya. Dengan sedih giliran lilin ketiga bicara: ”Aku adalah Cinta.” “Tak mampu lagi aku untuk tetap menyala. Manusia tidak lagi memandang dan mengganggapku berguna. Mereka saling membenci. Bahkan membenci mereka yang mencintainya, membenci keluarganya.” Tanpa menunggu waktu lama, maka matilah lilin ketiga. Tanpa terduga… Seorang anak saat itu masuk ke dalam kamar, dan melihat ketiga lilin telah padam. Karen....
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Sunday, December 29, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - MERAYAKAN KEMATIANSang guru mengalami sakit parah. Para pengikutnya merasa amat sedih kalau-kalau mereka kehilangan sang guru yang mereka kagumi. Suatu hari sang guru memanggil mereka semua dan memberikan kata-katanya yang terakhir di saat menjelang kematiannya. Ia mengatakan bahwa bagi kebanyakan orang, kematian merupakan tragedi yang menyakitkan, namun sebaliknya kematian justru seharusnya merupakan hari sukacita untuk dirayakan. Para muridnya dengan rasa heran bertanya; "Ketika orang yang kita cintai meninggal dunia dan kita tak akan pernah lagi mampu melihatnya, mengapa justru harus dirayakan?" "Ketika seseorang telah menyelesaikan jalan yang harus dilampauinya, telah menyelesaikan segala yang harus dipelajarinya selama hidup ini, bukankah ia harus diwisuda? Dan bukankah saat wisuda merupakan saat yang membahagiakan?" Demikian kata sang guru. Setelah berdiam sejenak ia melanjutkan; "Ketika seorang anak dilahirkan semua orang bergembira ria. Dan ketika seseorang meninggal semua diliputi ratap dan ....
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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - SELEMBAR TIKET KERETASemenjak kecil, saya takut untuk memperingati hari ibu karena tak berapa lama setelah saya lahir, saya dibuang oleh ibu saya. Setiap kali peringatan hari ibu, saya selalu merasa tidak leluasa karena selama peringatan hari ibu semua acara televisi menayangkan lagu tentang kasih ibu, begitu juga dengan radio dan bahkan iklan biskuit pun juga menggunakan lagu tentang hari ibu. Saya tidak bisa meresapi lagu-lagu seperti itu. Setelah sebulan lebih saya dilahirkan, saya ditemukan oleh seseorang di stasiun kereta api Xin Zhu. Para polisi yang berada di sekitar stasiun itu kebinggungan untuk menyusui saya. Tapi pada akhirnya, mereka bisa menemukan seorang ibu yang bisa menyusui saya. Kalau bukan karena dia, saya pasti sudah menanggis dan sakit. Setelah saya selesai disusui dan tertidur dengan tenang, para polisi pelan-pelan membawa saya ke De Lan Center di kecamatan Bao Shan kabupaten Xin Zhu. Hal ini membuat para biarawati yang sepanjang hari tertawa ria akhirnya pusing tujuh keliling. Say....
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Thursday, December 26, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - KERENDAHAN HATI SAMUEL MORSESeorang penemu tersohor Samuel Morse. Suatu saat ketika ia ditanya apakah pernah berhadapan dengan situasi di mana ia sama sekali tidak tahu apa yang harus diperbuat, dia menjawab; "Ya..aku pernah berhadapan dengan situasi seperti itu, dan bukan hanya sekali. Dan jika saya tak dapat melihat jalan atau jawaban secara jelas, saya akan berlutut dan berdoa memohon terang, pengertian dan jalan dari Tuhan." Morse menerima banyak penghargaan oleh karena penemuan-penemuannya di bidang telegraf. Namun ia selalu dengan rendah hati berkata; "Saya telah membuat aplikasi berharga di dunia telegraf, namun itu bukan karena saya lebih baik, lebih hebat dari orang lain, tapi karena Tuhan dalam rencanaNya untuk umat manusia, harus merevelasikan hal tersebut lewat seseorang. Tuhan telah memilih untuk menyatakannya untuk dunia lewat diriku." Kerendahan hati tidak berarti berpikir bahwa dirimu lebih rendah dari orang lain, tidak juga berarti kita memiliki gambaran yang rendah atas kemampuan diri sendiri.....
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - BETAPA MISKINNYA KITASuatu ketika seseorang yang sangat kaya mengajak anaknya mengunjungi sebuah kampung dengan tujuan utama memperlihatkan kepada anaknya betapa orang-orang bisa sangat miskin. Mereka menginap beberapa hari di sebuah daerah pertanian yang sangat miskin. Pada perjalanan pulang, sang Ayah bertanya kepada anaknya. "Bagaimana perjalanan kali ini?" "Wah, sangat luar biasa Ayah" "Kau lihatkan betapa manusia bisa sangat miskin" kata ayahnya. "Oh iya" kata anaknya "Jadi, pelajaran apa yang dapat kamu ambil?" tanya ayahnya. Kemudian si anak menjawab.... "Saya saksikan bahwa : Kita hanya punya satu anjing, mereka punya empat. Kita punya kolam renang yang luasnya sampai ke tengah taman kita dan mereka memiliki telaga yang tidak ada batasnya. Kita mengimpor lentera-lentera di taman kita dan mereka memiliki bintang-bintang pada malam hari. Kita memiliki patio sampai ke halaman depan, dan mereka memiliki cakrawala secara utuh. Kita memiliki sebidang tanah untuk tempat tinggal dan mereka mem....
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Sunday, December 22, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - PENCURI YANG BIJAKSANADahulu kala ada seorang raja yang kaya raya. Sang Raja begitu yakin akan keadilan aturan dan keputusan yang dibuatnya. "Aturan adalah Aturan "katanya kepada penasihat penasihat kerajaan. Ia tak pernah mengijinkan adanya perkecualian dalam setiap pelaksanaan keputusan yang dibuatnya. Suatu hari seorang pengawal kerajaan memergoki seorang pengemis yang sedang mengendap endap bermaksud mencuri roti dari dapur kerajaan. Sang raja murka dan memerintahkan supaya pencuri itu dihukum gantung karena begitulah hukuman bagi seorang pencuri. "Tapi saya toh sangat miskin dan lapar, sementara Sang Baginda Raja memiliki segala galanya. Tentunya tidak salah jika sedikit keju dan roti aku minta. Ya…., saya tidak meminta ijin karena saya sesungguhnya bukan pencuri. Di sana tak ada seorang pun. Kepada siapa saya harus meminta ijin ?"kata pencuri itu menjelaskan. "Maaf….., tidak ada perkecualian Pengawal, Bawa pencuri ini ke tiang gantungan "perintah raja. "Ah.., sayang sekali."keluh pencuri itu k....
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Saturday, December 21, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - HIKAYAT HARIMAU DAN SERIGALADi sebuah hutan, tinggallah seekor serigala pincang. Hewan itu hidup bersama seekor harimau yang besar berbadan coklat keemasan. Luka yang di derita serigala, terjadi ketika ia berusaha menolong harimau yang di kejar pemburu. Sang serigala berusaha menyelamatkan kawannya. Namun sayang, sebuah panah yang telah di bidik malah mengenai kaki belakangnya. Kini, hewan bermata liar itu tak bisa berburu lagi bersama harimau, dan tinggal di sebuah gua, jauh dari perkampungan penduduk. Sang harimau pun tahu bagaimana membalas budi. Setiap selesai berburu, di mulutnya selalu tersisa sepotong daging untuk dibawa pulang. Walaupun sedikit, sang serigala selalu mendapat bagian daging hewan buruan. Sang harimau paham, bahwa tanpa bantuan sang kawan, ia pasti sudah mati terpanah si pemburu. Sebagai balasannya, sang serigala selalu berusaha menjaga keluarga sang harimau dari gangguan hewan-hewan lainnya. Lolongan serigala selalu tampak mengerikan bagi siapapun yang m....
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Saturday, December 14, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - HIDUP ADALAH ANUGERAHPada suatu hari ada seorang gadis buta yg sangat membenci dirinya sendiri. Karena kebutaannya itu. Tidak hanya terhadap dirinya sendiri, tetapi dia juga membenci semua orang kecuali kekasihnya. Kekasihnya selalu ada disampingnya untuk menemani dan menghiburnya. Dia berkata akan menikahi gadisnya itu kalau gadisnya itu sudah bisa melihat dunia. Suatu hari, ada seseorang yang mendonorkan sepasang mata kepada gadisnya itu Yang akhirnya dia bisa melihat semua hal, termasuk kekasih gadisnya itu . Kekasihnya bertanya kepada gadisnya itu , ” Sayangggg … sekarang kamu sudah bisa melihat dunia. Apakah engkau mau menikah denganku?” Gadis itu terguncang saat melihat bahwa kekasihnya itu ternyata buta. Dan dia menolak untuk menikahi si pria pacar-nya itu yg selama ini sudah sangat setia sekali mendampingi hidupnya selama si gadis itu buta matanya. Dan akhirnya si Pria kekasihnya itu pergi dengan meneteskan air mata, dan kemudian menuliskan sepucuk surat singkat kepada gadisnya itu, “Sa....
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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - LAYANG-LAYANGSebuah layang-layang yang baru saja selesai dibuat. Pemiliknya membawa ia ke lapangan terbuka. Secara perlahan-lahan layang-layang itu menemukan dirinya terbang semakin lama semakin tinggi. Ketika ia mengangkat wajahnya menengadah ke langit, ia berteriak gembira; 'Wuaahhh, langit yang biru. Aku akan terbang tinggi sampai ke ujung sana.' Namun tiba-tiba ia merasa bahwa perjanannya kini agak tersendat dan menjadi berat. Ia tidak bisa bergerak lebih tinggi dan tak mampu maju lebih jauh lagi. Ketika ia menundukkan kepalanya, barulah ia tahu kalau pemiliknya memegang kuat ujung benang. Benang itulah yang membuatnya tak bisa terbang tinggi. Layang-layang itu menjadi amat marah. 'Mengapa ia tidak melepaskan aku?? Bila aku dilepaskan secara bebas, aku pasti akan terbang lebih tinggi menembusi awan-awan yang ada jauh di atas sana.' Demikian layang-layang itu berontak. Tiba-tiba tali benang itu terputus. Dan Ternyata bukan kenikmatanlah yang dia peroleh. Sebaliknya, ia kini jungkir balik ter....
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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - SI KELINCI YANG PENAKUTManusia adalah mahluk sosial yang hidup saling bergantung satu sama lain. Walaupun ide hidup saling tolong menolong ini menyenangkan, namun sesungguhnya banyak konflik terjadi disana jika pengharapan kita tidak terpenuhi oleh lingkungan kita. Setiap manusia mempunyai masalah. Masalah ini akan semakin besar kala kita mulai membandingkajn diri kita dengan hal yang jauh lebih besar. Kita istimewa dan berhak mendapatkan kesuksesan apapun yang terjadi. Untuk itu mari kita simak ilustrasi cerita di bawah ini, agar kita tetap semangat menghadapi segala kemungkinan yang ada. Sejak dulu kelinci dikenal sebagai hewan bernyali kecil. Mereka sering ketakutan tanpa sebab jelas. Seringkali mereka menyingkir sesegera mungkin jika keamanannya terancam. Suatu hari nampaklah sekelompok kelinci tengah berkumpul di tepian sungai. Mereka berkeluh kesah meratapi nyali mereka yang kecil, mengeluh kehidupan mereka yang selalu dibayangi marabahaya. Semakin dalam mereka mengobrol, mereka pun semakin sedih d....
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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - KEPITING MARAHBeberapa tahun yang lalu, teman saya mengajak saya memancing Kepiting. Bagaimana cara memancing Kepiting? Kami menggunakan sebatang bambu, mengikatkan tali ke batang bambu itu, di ujung lain tali itu kami mengikat sebuah batu kecil. Lalu kami mengayun bambu agar batu di ujung tali terayun menuju Kepiting yang kami incar, kami mengganggu Kepiting itu dengan batu, menyentak dan menyentak agar Kepiting itu marah, dan kalau itu berhasil maka Kepiting itu akan 'menggigit' tali atau batu itu dengan geram, capitnya akan mencengkeram batu atau tali dengan kuat sehingga kami leluasa mengangkat bambu dengan ujung tali berisi seekor Kepiting gemuk yang sedang marah. Kami tinggal mengayun perlahan bambu agar ujung talinya menuju sebuah wajan besar yang sudah kami isi dengan air mendidih karena di bawah wajan itu ada sebuah kompor dengan api yang sedang menyala. Kami celupkan Kepiting yang sedang murka itu ke dalam wajan tersebut, seketika Kepiting melepaskan gigitan-nya dan tubuhnya menjadi mer....
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Saturday, December 7, 2013


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - AIR MATA MUTIARAPada suatu hari seekor anak kerang di dasar laut mengadu dan mengeluh pada ibunya sebab sebutir pasir tajam memasuki tubuhnya yang merah dan lembek. "Anakku," kata sang ibu sambil bercucuran air mata, "Tuhan tidak memberikan pada kita, bangsa kerang, sebuah tangan pun, sehingga Ibu tak bisa menolongmu." Si ibu terdiam sejenak, "Sakit sekali, aku tahu anakku. Tetapi terimalah itu sebagai takdir alam. Kuatkan hatimu. Jangan terlalu lincah lagi. Kerahkan semangatmu melawan rasa ngilu dan nyeri yang menggigit. Balutlah pasir itu dengan getah perutmu. Hanya itu yang bisa kau perbuat", kata ibunya dengan sendu dan lembut. Anak kerang pun melakukan nasihat bundanya. Ada hasilnya, tetapi rasa sakit bukan alang kepalang. Kadang di tengah kesakitannya, ia meragukan nasihat ibunya. Dengan air mata ia bertahan, bertahun-tahun lamanya. Tetapi tanpa disadarinya sebutir mutiara mulai terbentuk dalam dagingnya. Makin lama makin halus. Rasa sakit pun makin berkurang. Dan semakin ....
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Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - MENABUR BENIHDi sebuah kaki gunung yang gundul dan tandus. Seorang bapak tua memikul sebuah kantung penuh berisi bibit pohon kayu di bahunya, sementara sebuah cangkul berada di bahu yang lain . Sepanjang hari pak tua menggali lobang dan memasukan bibit-bibit pohon tersebut. Begitulah kerja pak tua setiap hari. Ketika malam tiba, ia memetik sayur-sayur yang bertumbuh liar di kaki gunung itu untuk menjadi santapannya di malam nanti. Suatu hari sejumlah murid sekolah datang berpiknik di kaki gunung tersebut, dan mereka begitu heran melihat pak tua yang seakan melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang amat tak berarti, karena tempat itu nampak tandus dan tak mungkin bibit-bibit itu akan bertumbuh subur. “Aku hidup di tempat ini dan aku telah menaburkan jutaan benih pohon kayu. Namun hanya 1 persen saja yang tumbuh. Tapi aku tak akan berputus asa. Di hari tuaku, aku ingin terus menaburkan benih di sini.” Tahun terus beralih. Anak-anak sekolah tersebut telah bertumbuh dewasa. Ketika mereka datang lagi ke kak....
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Thursday, December 5, 2013


Bercerita tentang seorang pendaki gunung yang bernama Aevo, yang memaknai hidup dari perjuangan yang dia lakukan. Hampir seluruh waktu dalam hidupnya dipakai untuk menaklukkan gunung-gunung yang menjulang tinggi, hanya untuk melihat pemandangan mana yang terindah. Semakinn tinggi gunung yang dia taklukkan, semakin indah pemandangan yang ia dapatkan. Hingga pada suatu kesempatan,Aevo memutuskan untuk mendaki sebuah gunung yang amat tinggi. Aevo merasa itulah gunung tertinggi yang pernah ia hadapi. Dalam hati Aevo ada ketakutan,hal yang selalu datang dalam hatinya setiap akan mendaki sebuah gunung. Seperti biasa pula, Aevo berusaha menenangkan hatinya. Setelah merasa cukup tenang,Aevo mulai melangkahkan kaki, selangkah demi selangkah. Mendaki gunung yang akan menghadiahi dia banyak tantangan dengan bekal seadanya. Tidak terasa, Aevo sudah mendaki seperempat dari gunung tersebut. Aevo melihat sejenak ke belakang, jalan yang sudah ia lalui. Dalam pikirannya, dia berkata, "Ah, masih belum....
Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1
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Friday, June 28, 2013

Javanese Wedding : Shower ceremony

In the Javanese tradition, particularly in the series of wedding procedure, known as a 'siraman'ceremonial. Siraman ceremony is a ceremony held for the opening series of the wedding, the bride and groom to bathe. The ceremony is usually the day before the ceremony 'temu' (Intersection) / Panggih (meet) implemented.

Although lately is rare, in the pouring ceremony is usually sung Sekar / Tembang (song) Macapat Dhandhanggula Siraman. The song used to accompany the bride and groom when washed. Not only as a sweetener, but chanting Sekar Dhandhanggula Siraman is intended as a prayer, petition, hope, as well as advice for the bride and groom. That's one of the advantages of the Javanese, who are able to assemble a lot of things in a song.

Sekar / Tembang / song Macapat Dhandhanggula Siraman consists of 7 'pada' (couplet). It is adjusted by the amount beborèh (scrubs) to use when bathing the bride, each of which is distinguished by colors. The colors are red beborèh (rekta), black (langking), yellow (jenar), blue, purple (Wungu), white (Seta), and green (Willis). In its use is also not random, but rather in order of red, black, yellow, blue, purple, white, and green last.
Each color has a meaning, intent, and purpose of its own, as expressed in the following Sekar Dhandhanggula Siraman.

Immediately flushing the body of the princess, with a sparkling clear water, scrubed with red scrubs, As he rubbed his body, accompanied by prayer and thanksgiving praise unspoken, soluble all the sick and wounded, Really fascinating when seen, faithful and open character, Tough, can trustworthy, determined, workmanlike in completing work / duty, Sentosa / strong opinionated.

Dimly shining light, looks beautiful dazzling, black color of the scrubs, Prayer safety of the unspoken, like a brave knight character, Righteous noble character, there really love others, blending clever, sincere, sert always do good deeds with sincerity and heartfelt, protected from all dangers.

Looks soared as curved, shining bright in color shades, Incandescent light yellow, yellow color that symbolizes the character that is always patient, Behave commendable and submits to the will of God, has character and attitude are always vigilant and careful, Weak-soft and delight in talking, the conversation using that free is good, be careful, and nothing important is missed, So as to be paragon

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Learning what Javanese people taught about sex

Based of Javanese Manuscript : Serat Nitimani (sex education part 9)

As for when to praise and ignore behavior, will be described as below: First, from intercourse with women have the desire, all must be pure. Must wash bath, then took a dipper of water and raised near the front to pray. But how such ancient prayer when I was less clear, however, if yes than today better be silent intention, and thus should say: "my intention bath, bathing lake kalkaosar, purify the blood of all who are in our body, it makes bead out the diamond, light is shone like rays of light of God Almighty. "Water in the bucket is then poured over the face and continued showers until all bodies to be holy both for men and women.

Here is the teaching of the concept of sex in terms of how to start a sexual relationship right. The process of unification between the two new people is something sacred and very important to be prepared as well as possible. The first thing to do is to cleanse himself by bathing. Bathing in this context is not just for the sake of mere physical comfort, but in certain ways in order to cleanse the soul and heart well. Bathing should be accompanied by good intentions and prayers, in order to clean all the dirt (physical and spiritual) and the intention of something good in the heart. It is expected in sexual intercourse, both (male and female) are in a clean and pure so that the seeds that appear later are come from the action that has been purified.

After completion of purification bath wash (jamas) then dressed neat to invite lust core behavior with appropriate dress and wear perfume. Once all that is done, then together into a place to sleep, that go to bed, or place of rest is to bed. There, men put aji kamajaya pronounced in the heart.

After cleaning up, then the next step is teaching about how and how and appropriate action to initiate such a sacred activity. First, to arouse desire then each should apply himself to dress up and wear fragrances. After that, it should also be considered where such activities and are not allowed to be done in any place.

As for the women, also intends to first be willing Betalmukadas, that hold mute state in the kingdom of holiness, is in baga. The second one then intends to open nala , meaning heart charm, a vehicle that is lust, lust means intercourse, grew into early, meaning the seeds are in purana. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and so on until no different than men. After finishing the all and then they make love, bring intention, whereas all the doings of the sex, it's actually a secret chapter, who can know about placement when marking an early start on this until now it was very nice, the point the way humans, and does not eliminate manners, perhaps as it is called enchanting beauty praman, open state of atma, that would be wisdom. After sex they get out of bed, then shower jamas again, while the behavior or of procedures not unlike the way a bath as above was but a prayer request as follows: "Feet and Hands are in the behavior, behavior is in the heart, heart are in Praman Hyang, making holy bath halycon eternal soul in our body. "

In addition to men, the women also have to prepare some things that essentially is almost the same as men. There are several stages of the opening is done slowly is "Charm" or the attractiveness of each of the senses of humanity held until later appeared "intention" or desire for sexual intercourse steady. How good conformity relates in essence to each individual to understand their needs and to always remember manners, that relate to the ways that ethical and humane. After having sex then taught appropriate action is bathing in a way similar to that done prior to the event, with a prayer a little different. The purpose of the act of bathing after sex is to purify themselves each and also cleaned up. Prayers are being said in essence, asking the Lord to what has been done can be purified and bring good results.

Know that people in the world is like just transite to drink ....

In the context of sexual teachings, must keep in mind that life was just something temporary like like people who travel a lot and just stop by for a drink. Therefore, do not have sex just for pleasure world are temporary, but to think also about the accountability to God in the next life journey.

Whether you have never heard stories postulate word of God, wajida-wajidahu, means: who is really going to get the results .....

There is a phrase that means the wajida wajidahu who would actually get results. The point here is in relation to the concept of sex then the phrase is meant to convey that sexual relations should be implemented in earnest in order to get good results.

Similarly footage in Serat Nitimani contains teachings on the concept of sex in Javanese culture. Doctrine is a Javanese cultural value system that foundation is the concept of religion that is the problem of human relationship with God. It can be concluded that all aspects of the life of Java, including the sex certainly lead to problems between man and God. Sex in Javanese culture is not just a means to vent my desires and just have a good time but come to the understanding that the relationship is a formal bond between man and woman as husband and wife who should be accountable to God. In this case, it can said:  that sex is an activity that is considered holy and sacred as a result of these actions is to produce a new human being. The birth of people in the world to be prepared as possible including the beginning of the process of creation. It is intended that the child to be born is derived from the outset a clear process so as to know the purpose of life is clearly anyway. The concept of the origin and purpose of human life is a basic concept of what being human trust Java. That the doctrine of human sex is the starting gate to understand two main concepts in the Javanese culture sangkan Paraning dumadi concept and manunggaling kawulo lan gusti concept. Thus, the teaching of sex in serat Nitimani aims to provide a moral compass, values ​​and principles for the Javanese people on how to have sex in the right way and the right (bener lan pener), because in the end what the outcome of such actions related to the origin life and the main purpose of life back to the Lord.

Hopefully can add insight and knowledge for us in life. More or less please forgive.Thanks

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Javanese Dream Interpreting part 1

In the Java community there is a unique culture that is in the habit of capturing or interpreting signs (Samita) are nearby. The sign is a dream which is a medium of information that contains symbols interpreted as a harbinger of the future. It can also be concluded that the Java community have intelligence in interpreting dreams.

Dream interpretation with various symbols:

1.Symbol of God.

That God who created the universe and its contents, which turn on and off all there. Understanding the symbol of God as contained in the following excerpt:

God created man, from semen father and mother until the coming of death.

When people dream of meeting God, it pleases of the joy that is in the world, it means it will get happiness and safety.

If you dream of seeing God gives objects or clothes, it means it will get into trouble.

2. Symbol of Angels

Angel was one of the messengers of God that is different from human behavior, which has a very subtle body like the wind, but using the spirit (soul), and do not eat, drink, and the other as humans do.

If there are people who dream of seeing the good angel, it means it will get the glory of the world until the coming of death.

If you dream of seeing there are angels who are in the village, it means that the village will get the fertility of the soil and there is no disease.

If you dream of seeing angels in the grave (tomb) that means it will have the disease until his death.

3. Symbols Prophet and Messenger

The apostle was one man who was sent by God.

If there are people who dream of seeing the Prophet who died or were sick, it means it will get into trouble.

If the dream given items such as clothing, swords and others, it means well.

4. Symbol of Heaven

Heaven is one of the vast, its place in the sky. All there and wonder, because in it there are the things that we have never seen the world and others. Heaven is a pleasant place.

People who dream of going into heaven means everything is a beautiful place on Earth that does not like will get happiness means that all actions acceptable and what is expected.

If the dream of seeing the fruits of heaven then pick it mean when talk about anything will be heard or be followed, because the fruits of heaven that means good speech.

When people dream out of heaven it means it will get the misery that was always doing good but now always greedy indulgence.

5. Symbols Hell

Hell is one of the very vast like heaven, but in hell it is full of fire. Hell it signifies bad deeds of the misery that is the dream.

People who dream of going to hell and cried out loud it means to experience a very severe tribulations that she was not all bad and ungodly.

People who dream of going to hell, but not hot at all it means it will get the job woes heavy work or where he would get a severe hardship.(src)

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Sex Education From Java

Based from Javanese manuscript : Serat Nitimani. (sex education part 8 )

In sexual relations are also taught to be in a position completely calm heart, everything in good condition in order to yield the resulting offspring is also good. Not only that, but the hearts of men and women who have sex should also be clean and sober.

When discussing the case of seeds, right, is in men, therefore, women are likened to the board or container.

Woman is the container where the men are putting semen in order to be preserved and cared for in a place where the woman's uterus.

The will of God the Exalted wills left the seed of man.

In terms of sexual relations, it must be remembered that the presence of the fetus is the work of God, so it must be reliable.

It is a doctrine about action, namely that in sexual relationships should be with full awareness and endeavored not to be dragged down by the sheer lust. That is, during sex should be kept in mind that the ultimate goal is to produce a new human being is good. Thus, people who come from good processes it will return to the Creator with a good condition also.

The first, in case there are people telling sentence men and women willing to make love, get into bed means to be in bed even though there were only two of us and deserted place that essentially invisible crowd, despite the seriousness of the feelings so do not forget to ......

This is the teaching of how to correct when men and women will begin conducting sexual relations, which must be done at the proper place.

Who are the people who run the contemptible act will surely see infamy.

Running a humiliating act intention is to have sex without proper preparation and just based on mere lust, it will also be bad.

So-called human if infidels had intercourse, then it could be a seed of man, even as babies continued to receive teachings lack of mainstreaming and kindness, which will probably be when they grew wicked and mischievous as it is made from the union of the devil.

In the teaching of sexual intercourse, the intention was originally to be a good intention. Man who would carry it out must also be with a pure heart and mind, not with a dirty mind. Having sex in a dirty state. Having sex in a dirty condition both physically and his mind will produce something ugly and dirty anyway, because it is made from the union of two equally dirty (Satan).

That relationship was not able to play games or joking.

The relationship in question here is sexual intercourse. Thus, sexual activity should be taken seriously and should not be messing around.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Right SEX

Right Sex Of : Javanese Sex Education part 7

Science romance is a means to determine the origin of man, as the proverb he who does not know the true origin will not know where the purpose of his life, his future will not necessarily perfect.

Sexual intercourse is a very important issue in Javanese culture because the result is a new life. Therefore taught that before sexual intercourse should be prepared everything so that the result is also perfect and understand the origin of where it will end.

If God permits, those games will be a means and vehicle for creating human. Sexual relations are really going sanctioned by God and given the correct result anyway.

In terms of sex, it is the most important role of the genitals as the main medium. Javanese culture teaches about the concept of male genitalia as important as it is part of the funeral as well.

When a man and woman have intercourse, kama meetings allowed by God Almighty, man will might be widened. Merging of kama (sperm and egg cells) would then remain silent in the womb of pregnant women who came to be called.

The purpose of the sexual relationship the most important one is to produce offspring. Human seed in the womb of a woman who was present that could exist only because of the blessings of God.

In fact, in intercourse a woman has to follow the will of men.Those things are teaching about appropriate measures for women in terms of sexual intercourse.The woman's behavior when intercourse should compensate the man movement that aims to foster a sense of pleasure.In a sex taught about how a woman's attitude that sexual activity can achieve the desired goal of being able to offset the movement of men.

In addition to balancing the movement, women should also be responsive and understand what the will of men.With such efforts are actually another form of worship. Because the shape persistence and determination is basically a means to intelligence or skill. To also means facilities, ie equipment. Means can be interpreted as a mantra, that intention verbalized, while prayer also means hope or joy. All are balanced between behavior with conscience.(source)
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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Javanese Sex education part 6

Based on Serat Nitimani :

Application asmaragama is when weapons possessed man combat ready yet so do not rush into the game, because the game would not have lasted cried. The men would not be able to last long, and the woman as opposed to compete would not be satisfied. Do not challenge the play simply because the impulse of passion, because if a man lost in just a few moments it will be very embarrassing, it will be considered as a weak man, sluggish, and there is no point.

In the context of teaching sex serat Nitimani, the application of asmaragama is how sexual relations are good and right. How are the techniques used in order to comply with the change process has a more specific purpose.

That meant losing prestige is feeling defeated or what to expect initially did not correspond to reality. Finally, is not perceived pleasure but fatigue may even hurt. Conditions as it is called 'tumanding kang sanes bangsa'.

Sexual intercourse typically involves two parties, namely men and women. In sexual intercourse, then they should both are in good condition. If one of them had something bad then the impact will be exposed on both sides.

Therefore, it ought to be careful in choosing a life partner, because if you are the right choice, you will be completely bonded and happy because you will feel the pleasure is complete, without any obstacles that block except the satisfaction that continues to cover.

This section describes the sexual attitudes in the context of teaching, how to act in terms of choosing a life partner that not one so as to achieve pleasure and away from obstacles.

When a male heirloom weapons ready combat, all standby power, then immediately start the game. Undoubtedly the battle will not disappoint. But it is cautious, not careless. When nailing gun attack on the opponent, let prioritize vigilance.

It is part of the way in teaching sex in Javanese Culture.

In such circumstances, motion planning control your gun, do not rush to finish quickly, with the aim that women are up against are underserved and will fight the desire mounting.

This section is still taught ways on how to act properly in intercourse.
Let cautious in releasing the mace weapon.
Mace weapon referred to in this context is the male genitals to be removed or inserted into a woman's genitals.

( source )

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Sunday, June 2, 2013


Enterprises devil not stop there. He turned back to Allah Almighty as he begged to be given the power to try Prophet Ayyub through their children. Allah said: "Please, go away. I give you carte blanche to try Ayyub through her ​​children. "The devil departed. Its target audience is the building where the children Prophet Ayyub As shelter underneath. The building was shaken and shattered override exhausted children Prophet Ayyub As, all dead. Satan then gave the Prophet Ayyub As has affected her children.

What is his reaction ?. Prophet Ayyub even forgiveness for mercy to God

Enterprises devil still does not yield any obedience to the Prophet Ayyub As change. remained obedient to God and thank Him. Devil back to Allah Almighty as he begged to be given the power to test it. God said to him: "Please give unto you power to examine the body through the oral and minds. But not his heart."

Satan immediately set out to seduce Prophet Ayyub As. To the place was apparently intended prostrate. Satan came from the direction of the head of him, then blew his nostrils with a single blow. Immediately Prophet Ayyub As body felt itchy. The longer feel the itch. Prophet Ayyub As scratching body parts the itchy body with her ​​fingertips. But it has not lost the itching.

As Prophet Ayyub tried scratching it with coarse cloth. Yet also the itching disappeared. Then use kereweng (broken tiles) and stone. never stopped scratching his body to blister, so the foul-smelling pus. Surrounding society considers harmful to the disease being experienced by Prophet Ayyub As. They agreed exiled to other regions. driven to a dirty place. They make for a shack that was only accompanied by his wife named Rahmah.

However his wife, Rahmah, always faithful to serve him. He did very well to him. He treated him lovingly. The needs of eating and drinking is always considered. The Prophet Ayyub As a deport themselves consisted of three groups. But it's all still in the original faith. They did not leave his religion.

In another story reported that, no one intends facing Umar Bin Khattab was about to complain about her bad temper. Up to a designated person Umar Ra was waiting at the door. At that time he heard 'Umar's wife nags him, while Umar himself just remain silent without reacting. Those that intend to turn back foot while muttering: "If the state amirul believers have been, how it is with me."

Along that Umar came out, when I saw him way back. Umar called him, he said: "There needs important?". He replied: "Amirul mu'minin, this is actually coming about my wife wants to sue because like scolded me, but as soon as I heard your own wife did the same, then I intend to return. I said to myself: if the state of amirul mukminin also treated his wife like that, how it is with me."

Umar said to him: "Brother, I'm actually willing to endure such treatment from my wife because of some of the rights available to him. My wife acted as cooks my food, he always made bread for me. He always wash my clothes, he was breastfeeding my children, even though all of it is not her responsibility I ease enough to avoid doing bad because of my wives services that why I received even scolded. "

The man said: "Commander of the amirul mukminin, as well as to my wife?". Umar replied: "Yes Accept mad because your wife do not be long, just a minute."

Asiyah full story here, when Prophet Musa As Pharaoh's defeat witches, faith Asiyah more stable. her believed to God itself it is long embedded in his heart, and he did not state the Pharaoh (him) as God. So Pharaoh increasingly clear about the faith of his wife, so he sentenced her.

Both hands and feet were tied. Asiyah hot stretched on the ground, her face shine of sun. When his tormentors again, the angel closes sunlight so it does not feel torment. Not enough was done Pharaoh torment, he again ordered the executioner to be dropping a large rock into the Asiyah chest.

while Asiyah want to see the boulder against her, she prayed to Allah Almighty:


 "O Allah, my Lord create for me by your side a building in Heaven"

God immediately showed a building in heaven made ​​of shiny colored marble. Asiyah was very happy, and his soul out there later then it dropped a large rock on his body so she does not feel pain, because his body has not had a life.

Sheikh Abdullah Habib Al Haddad said, someone who is the person who makes it perfect his rights, but it is not easy (understatement) the rights of God. In contrast to the less perfect is the unknown vice versa.

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 “WA ‘AASYIRUUHUNNA BILMA’RUUFI” (Quran surat Annisaa:19)
And screwed them (your wives) with either "The meaning is socially fair. 

"And women have equal rights with obligations under right way. However, the husband has a degree of advantage than his wife. "(Quran Surat Al-Baqoroh :228)

"Those men who marry a woman with a dowry little or a lot, but he did not intend to fulfill the rights of the wife (ie mean cheating) and then he was dead until've never fulfill the rights of his wife, the Day of Judgement later he will be facing Allah SWT with the title as the adulterer. "

"It is precisely the perfection of faith of the believers are those who prefer to be affectionate (lenient) to his wife. '
(Riwayat Ibnu Hibban).

"The best of people among you are those who are best to their wives. And I am the best among you to the family (my wives). ''


"Those who bear the ugliness of his wife's behavior then Allah will reward him as reward ever given by God Almighty to Prophet Ayyub AS over the trials received. And those who bear the ugliness of her husband's behavior then Allah may reward him as reward ever given to the Pharaoh's wife Asiyah."

Trials that Allah Almighty to Prophet Ayyub AS is composed of four kinds of trials. Covering trials on insolvency (bankruptcy) wealth, the death of all her children, damage to the body and ostracized by society but only to accompany his wife are faithful. The destruction of wealth Prophet Ayyub AS consists of camels, cows, goats, elephants, khimar (donkey). Other property he owned was 500 acres of agricultural land, everything worked by 500 people, each person has a wife and kids. Her followers consist of 3 groups all have faith and still young.

Satan who  given power by God can drop up from earth to heaven when you want, have a view up to the sky. Suddenly Satan heard the angels read sholawat the Prophet Ayyub AS. At that moment there arose a sense hasud in his heart. He said pleading to Allah: "O Lord, now I have indeed witnessed thy servant Ayyub as he ardently grateful praise. but if you give her ordeal she would not be grateful and did not obey "

Allah said to Satan, "well, please you tease now I give unto you power to try Prophet Ayyub wealth through property. "The devil departed. He gathered all the men consisted of devils and demons he told them: "Now I have been given the authority to try Ayyub through his property."

Further Satan said again: "Ifrit, now I give you the task of burning grazing camels belonging Ayyub and simultaneously kill the camels. "The devil come to see Ayyub, when it was he was praying. The devil said to him: "camels grazing on fire, and burned the whole camel yours anyway. "What did the Prophet Ayyub :" Praise God who gives wealth to me and only He likewise has the right to take it back "

The devil did not stop there. He rose again on the wealth of others. He destroyed all the goats belonging to the Prophet Ayyub As, the following points suburbs. He came to the Prophet Ayyub As while telling incident. "The hot wind had destroyed his garden, there is nothing left at all," the devil's garden after destroying all Prophet Ayyub . What did the Prophet Ayyub As. "Thank God .." then he praised Allah and praised Him."

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Javanese Sex Education part 5

Serat Nitimani

In Javanese culture women are considered as a "container" of seeds to be planted by man and therefore it must be the best look for her. Apart from the three main factors (seedlings, ancestor, weights), a nice woman also must have certain properties.

Secondly, let have a sense of purpose, fashion, baksana, and the Sasana. The description as follows:

Guna means skill or intelligence intention is responsive to the duties and authority as a wife.

Busana means a woman should have the sensitivity to appearance and his clothing proportionally.

Baksana means food, that have the skills to manage finances / income proportionately husband.

Sasana which means home or shelter, it means having the skills to organize and decorate the house beautifully.

Besides nature, a good woman should be able to make herself look good that men who became his life partner and be faithful still can maintain relationships (including sexual relationships). It is because men and women should always work just as well to be able to prepare everything for the sake of welcoming the new person as a result of a sexual relationship that they do.

The third is in terms of loyalty ought to have properties sawanda, saeka praya, and sajiwa, the explanation is as follows:

Sawanda meaning similar, congruent, or color. That is, the woman is willing to merge the body by way of mutual understanding, keeping him just like keeping to himself.

Saeka praya means to unite the will to the will of her husband who aim for the good, then she should feel as self will.

Sajiwa means one heart. The point is the same attitude as the wife to the husband of her own.

For women who have married should implement what the duties of a wife, in this case amounted to three levels, each of which contained three behavioral components:

Let Gemi (saving), Nastiti (smartly), ngati-ati (carefully).

Let tegen (not dissapointed), rigen (skilled), mugen (convincing).

Let titi (carefully), rukti (benefit), rumanti (evenly)

While in the case of work ought to have five properties: rikat.(Fast).cukat,(Agile).prigel,(Deft).Shrewd.terampil,(Skilled).

Subject devotion, let as below:

Let based on ishep (clarity of thought), madhep (intention), mantep (sincerity), sregep (diligence).

Let wekel (diligent), petel (painstaking), nungkul (tireless), atul (patient).

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Javanese Sex Education part 4

rama sinta

Javanese Sex Education part 4 talking about how should a woman be

If you want to have sex, it would be nice if the couple is already bound in the bonds of marriage, and because it is sacred, it is expected not to be wrong and be careful because the impact is very big for the continuation of life.

Beautiful woman both physically and spiritually, so that women are respected by all men. A woman with inner and outer beauty of real capital would be able to tear down the walls of the heart of men in front of him to his knees would give up all my love and affection.

Javanese culture embrace the position of women. There is an attitude in terms of looking at a woman is beauty, not only physically but also in terms of her beauty (pretty physical and spiritual), and women who have the physical and spiritual beauty that is the desire of each man's wife to be his life partner.

That is able to avoid the attitude of hate toward others, because if you do not have a character trait sometimes cause envy the end is malice.

In the context of teaching about sex, the most important thing to note is how to choose a good woman for life, and all aspects of the household run smoothly therein. Therefore, there are some characteristics of the ideal woman as a partner in order to achieve his goal.

That is able to distance themselves from the desire to hurt and hurt other people, because if we do not have these properties, tend to bring out the nature of greed that eventually transformed into evil.

That is repentance which is based on the seriousness and sincerity, so that a woman is capable of doing that will be respected by all men.

Next I hope hope you get a woman in whom the properties are the same, different, money, fine. The same word, meaning to feel the same, that has compassion on his fellow creatures. The word is different, not the same meaning, that has properties as a form of wisdom priority consideration. The word means to reward fund, that ought to have the properties of easy to give to others. Said fines, the law, which means having accurate in determining the nature of something so right to choose what is good and bad.

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Javanese Sex Education part 3

Rama shinta

Javanese Sex Education part 3 talking about : how to choose a partner criteria

To adopt a sexual relationship, it must pass through stages of marriage couples. The marriage unites two persons namely men and women in an eternal bond. In order not to experience remorse, then marriage must be based on a careful line with the proverb, although there are other factors that also must be taken into consideration. 

It is found in liver suitability, compatibility and harmony between the two, until then cultivate affection between father and son, dear father then make an analogy of the golden wingka, the intent of the phrase is despite the fact his form in the form wingka (pan) but it looks like a gold.

In view of his life partner, it is necessary to remember expressions wingka golden. Although his form is just pan, but it looks like gold. So even though the spouse does not have a perfect appearance, but must be seen scattered beauty of the heart.

Marriage is just based on personal pleasure men each, while the sense of joy could not be determined, meaning that facial beauty was not necessarily lead to a love of men.

Marriage is a sacred or bonds, so as to carry it out to look for couples who really appropriate. That is, it can not be seen only from the physical alone.

Be careful in choosing, because the status of women for the men likened heaven follow intention is overwhelmed with happiness when his life, just as the position of woman as the complement decorations happiness, whereas when the men one vote, meaning that women who gained not classified as a good woman, it will be cause misery for the man himself.

This section is a human attitude Java in the status of women to men in the household (including sexual affairs) come hell heaven is likened to contribute that if the husband gave the good things as well then she will surely enjoy all the good things also.

Therefore, before determining the choice of a life partner ought to be careful in choosing, as if already it is quite difficult to handle, ended up often lead to unhappiness.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Javanese Sex Education part 2

Rama Sinta
Javanese sex education part 2 will talking about three critera of partner to choose:

People should learn to control his lust (lust in this context is lust) in order not to let slip causing something bad.

The role of women is like land for sowing, so let him choose a great land.( pupuh 3 serat nitimani )

In sexual intercourse, then he shall attention that the outcome of the action is a new creature thing else that should not be done haphazardly and the couple should be selected carefully.

The man who intends to choose a lady to marry her, should pay attention to three things: weight, ancestor, seed.

To prepare a good descent, it must also look for partner (her) that meets both criteria-specific criteria. In Javanese culture, there are three most important things to consider are; seedlings, ancestor, and weight.

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Javanese Sex Education part1

Rama Shinta

Javanese Sex education part 1 talking about some knowledge of sexual relation:

In Javanese culture are taught that in order to produce something better then the original process of creation should also be good and with the blessing of Almighty God as the creator. Similarly, the sexual process whose sole purpose is to produce offspring. To get a good descent in every way, his presence in this Sunia be through initial intentions were good and the process of sexual relations is right and proper. To be able to have sex with both the necessary knowledge on everything about sex. Knowledge of sexual relations is needed because it will relate to the next life. If the process is wrong, then the consequences will be bad, not only for children but for the resulting balance and harmony of life. Errors in the process of sexual intercourse in Javanese culture known as karma salah. So to prevent karma one man should have sufficient knowledge about the manner of intercourse.

With adequate knowledge, it is expected people to think more about sex so it does not do so in vain because the result is fatal for the survival of mankind and consistent of relationship with nature around where people live. Fatal consequences appear on the state of today's society where many people start having sex without regard to norms and ethics resulting in appear of problems in people's lives a case of rape, a growing number of abandoned children to an increase in crime.

In Java, there are cultural treasures doctrine or moral compass, values ​​and norms of how to have sex is right and proper, as in the following serat nitimani footage relating to the Doctrine meant:

When it is playing, try to remain silent heart, that concentration is maintained, so as not invincible. ( pupuh 2 Serat Nitimani )
Note : The definition of "play" in this case is analogous to copulation.

If careless, be careful not to be complacent, it is very painful.
Note : Careless word means in the context of sexual intercourse is to remain vigilant in sexual intercourse so as not to experience things that are not expected.

If not satisfied, do not look at the face, covering it with a cheerful face, so that, no trouble.

Note : Not content in question here, still in the context of a sexual relationship that is a state where one of the parties have not reached a point of satisfaction or orgasm.

When upset, do not broke in the heart, keep nice, to more tolerant, in the hope, that dissatisfaction is not protracted.

Note : Disappointed in this phrase is in the context of sexual relationships and achieve satisfaction.

If caught in a shame, do not mute, because if silence, will be seen on the face.

When a man fails in sexual intercourse because of certain things, so that's where he would feel very embarrassed.

What if have the desire, nor out of control crashing ethics, to survive, keep always in noble attitude.

The point is in terms of the desire to have sex then do not get out of hand, should still pay attention to ethics.

If you're enjoying something, do not be lulled consciousness, in order to stay alert, vigilance will not bad ending.

Mean : That is if the pleasure is in sexual intercourse, awareness and self-awareness must be maintained, so as not to see bad ending or death.

During the self-controlled, patient abstinence, loose yourself without control, is a greedy behavior.

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