In the Javanese tradition, particularly in the series of wedding procedure, known as a 'siraman'ceremonial. Siraman ceremony is a ceremony held for the opening series of the wedding, the bride and groom to bathe. The ceremony is usually the day before the ceremony 'temu' (Intersection) / Panggih (meet) implemented.
Although lately is rare, in the pouring ceremony is usually sung Sekar / Tembang (song) Macapat Dhandhanggula Siraman. The song used to accompany the bride and groom when washed. Not only as a sweetener, but chanting Sekar Dhandhanggula Siraman is intended as a prayer, petition, hope, as well as advice for the bride and groom. That's one of the advantages of the Javanese, who are able to assemble a lot of things in a song.
Sekar / Tembang / song Macapat Dhandhanggula Siraman consists of 7 'pada' (couplet). It is adjusted by the amount beborèh (scrubs) to use when bathing the bride, each of which is distinguished by colors. The colors are red beborèh (rekta), black (langking), yellow (jenar), blue, purple (Wungu), white (Seta), and green (Willis). In its use is also not random, but rather in order of red, black, yellow, blue, purple, white, and green last.
Each color has a meaning, intent, and purpose of its own, as expressed in the following Sekar Dhandhanggula Siraman.
Immediately flushing the body of the princess, with a sparkling clear water, scrubed with red scrubs, As he rubbed his body, accompanied by prayer and thanksgiving praise unspoken, soluble all the sick and wounded, Really fascinating when seen, faithful and open character, Tough, can trustworthy, determined, workmanlike in completing work / duty, Sentosa / strong opinionated.
Dimly shining light, looks beautiful dazzling, black color of the scrubs, Prayer safety of the unspoken, like a brave knight character, Righteous noble character, there really love others, blending clever, sincere, sert always do good deeds with sincerity and heartfelt, protected from all dangers.
Looks soared as curved, shining bright in color shades, Incandescent light yellow, yellow color that symbolizes the character that is always patient, Behave commendable and submits to the will of God, has character and attitude are always vigilant and careful, Weak-soft and delight in talking, the conversation using that free is good, be careful, and nothing important is missed, So as to be paragon
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