In Javanese culture women are considered as a "container" of seeds to be planted by man and therefore it must be the best look for her. Apart from the three main factors (seedlings, ancestor, weights), a nice woman also must have certain properties.
Secondly, let have a sense of purpose, fashion, baksana, and the Sasana. The description as follows:
Guna means skill or intelligence intention is responsive to the duties and authority as a wife.
Busana means a woman should have the sensitivity to appearance and his clothing proportionally.
Baksana means food, that have the skills to manage finances / income proportionately husband.
Sasana which means home or shelter, it means having the skills to organize and decorate the house beautifully.
Besides nature, a good woman should be able to make herself look good that men who became his life partner and be faithful still can maintain relationships (including sexual relationships). It is because men and women should always work just as well to be able to prepare everything for the sake of welcoming the new person as a result of a sexual relationship that they do.
The third is in terms of loyalty ought to have properties sawanda, saeka praya, and sajiwa, the explanation is as follows:
Sawanda meaning similar, congruent, or color. That is, the woman is willing to merge the body by way of mutual understanding, keeping him just like keeping to himself.
Saeka praya means to unite the will to the will of her husband who aim for the good, then she should feel as self will.
Sajiwa means one heart. The point is the same attitude as the wife to the husband of her own.
For women who have married should implement what the duties of a wife, in this case amounted to three levels, each of which contained three behavioral components:
Let Gemi (saving), Nastiti (smartly), ngati-ati (carefully).
Let tegen (not dissapointed), rigen (skilled), mugen (convincing).
Let titi (carefully), rukti (benefit), rumanti (evenly)
While in the case of work ought to have five properties: rikat.(Fast).cukat,(Agile).prigel,(Deft).Shrewd.terampil,(Skilled).
Subject devotion, let as below:
Let based on ishep (clarity of thought), madhep (intention), mantep (sincerity), sregep (diligence).
Let wekel (diligent), petel (painstaking), nungkul (tireless), atul (patient).